The Word octopus means eight feet. That is how the octopus got its name . The octopus is an animal that has eight arms that extend form the center . It eats small crabs and scallops along with fish , turtles and crustaceans . It is even know to eat other octopuses . The octopus
is able to catch its long arms.I then bites the prey and poisons i with a nerve poison softens the flesh and the octopus is then able to suck the flesh of the animal out of its shell or outer covering .
The octopus can mostly be found hunting during nighttime.Some people fear the octopus ,but there is only one octopus
that has been known to have a poison that is strong enough to kill a person . This is the Australian blue - ringed octopus .
Along with its eight arms , the octopus has a head with two eyes on either side . It has very good eyesight . th e octopus does not have hearing . Each arm has suction cups in two rows . These suction cups help the octopus hold things . It is true that if the octopus
loses an arm it will grow back . The octopus also has blue blood .